<aside> ✍️ I HATE that I’m writing this up right now but the truth is no one is getting hired in this economy through traditional job application methods. In fact, most roles posted by big companies are for “marketing purposes.” They need to show that they are always hiring so that their competitors and shareholders don’t fear the company is doing poorly in this recession. This is how companies keep their stock price up and maintain calmness amongst their employees. Most of these roles are “opportunistically hired” (look it up on Google if you’re curious), meaning they will only hire if they find someone that completely exceeds their expectations but will be okay closing the role without hiring if they don’t find that person. BUT just because job postings online are looking unobtainable, that doesn’t mean we’re going to sit here unemployed.

Here’s what we’re gonna do instead —


Follow this 7-day schedule for 3 weeks and I guarantee you will be closer to finding a job than any amount of traditional job applying!


SPRAY & PRAY DAY - Send 10 cold celebrity DMs.

A “celebrity” in this case, is anyone who can open a new door for you on this path to employment. It could be a recruiter, an executive at your dream company, a content creator, etc.


SCHOOL DAY - Teach yourself one new thing and make a post about it on a platform of your choice (LinkedIn, Twitter, IG, TikTok).

The internet has infinite resources, so this should be easy. Try to learn something in the niche that you’re excited about pursuing your career in.


CRAFT DAY - Spend the day working on a project in the field that you’re interested in and then post about it on a platform of your choice.

Example projects: Code an app, redesign mockups of your favorite product, start a blog, etc


$$$ DAY - Make money on the internet off one thing you’re good at.

An example could be picking up a project on sites like Upwork or coaching younger people in school or their careers on sites like Topmate.