Discord Server

The Gen She community is now based on Discord. The link to join is here.

To join the #💖hsclubleaders channel, react with 👑 to the Gen She Roles message in the #🎢get-roles channel.

To join the #💖college-club-leaders channel, react with 🏢 to the Gen She Roles message in the #🎢get-roles channel.

Annual Club Re-registration

Before the start of the new school year, you will be required to complete a re-registration form for your chapter. This form will keep us updated on any changes to your club for the coming year.

The form will ask for any updates on your club's:

Completing this form is necessary to renew your chapter's registration with Generation She and be featured on our website. Re-registration is due on September 31 every year.

Here is the link to re-register with us!